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Holiday Traditions

All About Holiday Traditions

December 18, 2020, 0 comments

Holiday traditions vary from country to country, faith to faith, family to family. But some holiday traditions are very universal, and practiced all over the world. There are holiday traditions for Independence Day, Christmas, Hanukah, Easter, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and other holidays.

Christmas holiday traditions usually include a Christmas Eve dinner party, with plenty of egg nog, caroling, and good spirits. Holiday dinners on Christmas Day are typically turkey and stuffing, ham, or lamb with lots of yummy sides like mashed potatoes, yams, and other holiday foods. Perhaps the biggest and most popular holiday tradition is holiday greeting cards sent to everyone on your Christmas card list. In recent years, new traditions have been formed to include a Christmas letter with the holiday card, that is a summary of what your family has been up to the previous year.

Hanukah is an important holiday for those of Jewish faith, but basically consists of the same family, big dinner, and gift giving elements as Christmas. When family cannot be together for this holiday, send your loved ones a dradel and holiday card to let them know that they are still involved in the family holiday celebration.

Thanksgiving holiday traditions in America include holiday turkey, and football games. It's a time for family, and letting everyone you care about how much you are thankful for their very existence. That is the essence of this holiday-thanksgiving, of course! Because we all lead such busy lives in today's society, and family cannot always be present on these special holidays, a new tradition has arisen. Thanksgiving holiday cards are now available to send to all of your loved ones who can't come to Thanksgiving dinner and watch the games with you. Unfortunately, the turkey and big screen tv don't fit into the envelope!

Easter holiday traditions usually include an Easter egg hunt, baskets full of candy left by the Easter bunny, and church services dressed in, well, Sunday best. Easter holiday traditions are probably the favorite for most children, and the bane for most parents due to the sugar high. However, Easter is really first and foremost a time to celebrate Christ and family. When you cannot have family present for this important holiday, send them an online holiday greeting from the Easter bunny to lift their spirits.

Independence Day is a very important holiday to Americans, especially in light of recent world events. With the war on terrorism in full swing, those who should most celebrate this holiday are not in America, but the Middle East. For those who miss out on fireworks and good spirits, it can be a depressing time. Cheer up our soldiers with a holiday greeting card, letting them know that we recognize their efforts for our country and the flag for which they fight.

The most important element to any holiday is family. When family cannot be with you for one reason or another, it is important that they aren't left out. Sending a holiday greeting card can change that around. A simply holiday greeting card and a special phone call spreading holiday cheer can make it feel like you are together, no matter how many miles may separate you.


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